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Curriculum Vitae

1953 B.A., Hunter College
1957 M.A., Columbia University
1960 Ph.D., Columbia University
1956-60 Research Assistant, Nevis Labs, Columbia University.
1960-62 Research Associate, Nevis Labs, Columbia University
1962-63 Post-doctoral Theoretical Research Fellow, National Academy of Science, National Research Council
1963-65 Assistant Professor of Physics, State University of New York
at Stony Brook (SUNY, SB)
1964 Visiting Associate Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory
1964-1966 Principal Investigator, NY State Research Foundation
1965-74 Associate Professor of Physics, SUNY, SB
1966-1972 Principal Investigator, US Atomic Energy Commission
1972-1994 Principal Investigator, US National Science Foundation
1974-1993 Professor of Physics, SUNY, SB
1980-81 Visiting Professor of Physics, Cornell University
1988 Guest Lecturer, University of Rome I, and University of Torino
1991-1996 VIP Physicist, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN
1991-2014 KLOE Policy Board Director
1991-2014 KLOE Physics Analysis Coordinator
1996-2005 Director of Research, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN
2006-2009 Associazione alla Ricerca Scientifica, attr. dal Presidente INFN
Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN
2010-2011 Senior scientist, attr. dal Presidente INFN, presso i LNF, INFN
2012 Scienziato emerito, attr. dal Presidente INFN, presso i LNF dell’INFN


1994-2005 Adjunct Professor of Physics, SUNY, SB
2001 Co-Chairmen, XX Int. Symp. on Lepton Photon Int., 23-28 July 2001, Rome
2001-2003 Visiting Professor, University of Karslruhe


1984 Elected Fellow of The American Physical Society
1986-1991 Director, Board of Directors, The Research Foundation of the State University of New York
1987-1989 Member, Executive Committee of the Division of Particles and Fields, The American Physical Society
1989-1991 Member, Nominating Committee, The American Physical Society.
1990-1991 Member, Nominating Committee of the Division of Particles and Fields, The American Physical Society
1991-1996 VIP physicist of the INFN
1998-2011 Eurodafne and Euridice Executive board member