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Academic Genealogy

Juliet Lee-Franzini’s thesis advisor was Jack H. Steinberger. He, in turn, was a student of Enrico Fermi‘s. 

The students who received their doctorate, at SUNY Stony Brook, under her supervision, along with the year they received their degree, and their current position if known, are:

Richard J. Loveless~1969 Research Staff Physicist Emeritus, U. of Wisconsin, Madison
R. Dean Schamberger1977Research Professor of Physics, SUNY Stony Brook
P. Michael Tuts 1979Professor of Physics, Columbia U.
Lee J. Spencer1983
Michael Sivertz1983Physicist at NSRL, Brookhaven Nat. Lab.
Christopher Klopfenstein1985
Tina M. Kaarsberg1989Technology Manager, U.S. Dept. of Energy
D. Michael J. Lovelock1990
Meenakshi Narain1991Professor of Physics, Brown U.
Ulrich Heintz1991Professor of Physics, Brown U.
John D. Willins1992Consulting Medical Physicist

Some of her academic “grandchildren” and “ancestors” can be found on the Physics Tree.