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1) J L-F, Nevis Laboratories of Columbia U, late 1950’s
2) J L-F with husband Paolo Franzini (PF), in front of Columbia U’s Low Library, 1960’s. Thanks to the American Institute of Physics / Emilio Segrè Visual Archives for this photo; more info (and more photos) here.
3) J L-F with SUNY Stony Brook Physics Department, 1964. Thanks to the SUNY Stony Brook Physics Dept for this photo; more information, including the names of all pictured, here..
4) Husband PF, 1960’s
5) J L-F with daughter, Paula Franzini (PJF), Fermilab, 1973
6) J L-F, 1992
7, 14) J L-F in her garden in Rocca Priora, Italy, early 1990’s
8) J L-F, Fermilab, 1973
9) J L-F, Nevis Laboratories of Columbia U, late 1970’s
11) J L-F and PJF, Italy, 1992
12) J L-F and PF in front of the Great Wall of China, 1993
13, 16) J L-F reflected in windows, Lab. Naz. di Frascati (LNF), Frascati, Italy, 2011
15) Rocca Priora, after one of its rare snow storms, 2012
17) J L-F’s outlying garden after the same snow storm, 2012
18) KLOE Detector, detail, 2011
19) Ginestra (Spanish Broom), detail, from the masses growing wild in J L-F’s outlying garden
20) Night photo from plane, over New Jersey, 2016; in memoriam of J L-F’s many thousands of plane hours logged for work and medical necessities
21) J L-F’s home, Rocca Priora, 2011
22) Bamboo, photo taken on J L-F’s 75th birthday visit (2008) to the Garden of Ninfa, as an echo of her Chinese-Italian life story
23) An image of one of J L-F’s bookcases, illustrating her eclectic reading interests, 2011
24) 1992
Photos 4-12, 14, 15, 17, 24 PF; photos 13, 16, 18, 19-23 PJF